Welcome to Paraphilia at Neocities
A paraphilia is an unusual / non-normative attraction.
It’s important to not conflate attractions with actions. Someone who is attracted to animals doesn’t necessarily do anything sexual with them. Someone who does those things also isn’t necessarily attracted to animals more than humans. People can make decisions and choose if and how to act on attractions they have. It’s important to not hurt others even if it would feel good in the moment. Paraphiles are often stereotyped as having no control over their actions or having no moral code.
Though some try, it is generally considered not possible to change one’s attractions. [I need to check the sources for this claim] It’s important to accept oneself and be confident in not harming others.
Not all paraphilias are exclusively sexual - some may have paraphilic romantic or tertiary attractions. [later i will double check the sources]
This site is a work-in-progress. Mostly, I need to double-check research.
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